First Roundhouse: Introduction

Work began on our first Roundhouse in 1997, and continued for almost a year. The house was thirty feet in diameter, thatched with bracken, and lasted for about four years. The identifying characteristics of a Roundhouse such as this are an earth floor, low wattle & daub or dry stone walls, a central hearth, and a thatched conical roof. These houses were prevalent in Europe from the early bronze age, until they disappeared sometime prior to the Dark Ages, but they are still common in Africa and India today.

A roundhouse such as this one can be built with the minimum of resources, both easily and quickly. All of its structural parts are relatively light and be carried by hand over distances. A roundhouse of this nature relies on the composite strength, and not individual strength, of all its members. To help understand this, think of a wicker basket.


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All content: © The Roundhouse Project 1997-2010


•Roundhouse Gallery
Pictures from the life of the first Roundhouse

•Overall Comparison
See the difference between the old and new  

•Taking it down
The sad last day of the first roundhouse's deconstruction

•Gallery Index
Pictures of building both houses, plus lots more

•In The News
Newspaper clippings and book features on the house

•Other Houses
Our list and pics of similar buildings in the UK